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Data analytics to improve wellbeing

We are MenopauseX
An initiative between prominent leaders in data, technology and menopause care and education, MenopauseX seeks to materially improve the wellbeing of individuals of all identities and intersectionalities, and of their loved ones, through providing data insights and recommendations.

Get the lowdown

10 min vid of our launch on 22 Nov 2021: Meet the leadership team, hear some sobering stats on why our work is vital.  Full video here.

Take our survey

Our Experts Are the Finest
Our Reach Is Extensive

We expect to have access to some of the most comprehensive data ever collected on the impacts of peri/menopause on individuals, families, employers and their business, the healthcare system, insurers and society as a whole.


Coupled with some of the finest data, technology and menopause specialists in the UK, and (eventually) globally, we aim to do what NOBODY has ever done before:

  • A completely independent set of insights, gained from analysing large, diverse datasets that cross all sectors of society.

  • Recommendations that aren't limited by geographical boundaries or specific industry sectors

  • Measurably improve the wellbeing of individuals, families, workforces, and companies.  At scale.


Our pilot product is in development: we are designing a solution for companies and other employers to quantify menopause’s impact on their bottom line, through loss of diversity, expertise and talent pipeline to name a few factors.


We’re aiming to provide Human Resources and other business leaders with the ability to go to their executive boards and empirically demonstrate that their current (non) approach is hurting the business, and should be changed to attract, retain and develop employees of all ages.

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